Mindful is the groundbreaking new magazine dedicated to helping you live mindfully. The simple practice of being in the moment brings out the best in who you are.
Freedom for Us All
Let’s talk LOVING-KINDNESS • Genuine compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves. Here’s what Mindful readers suggest.
Welcome to Mindful
TOP OF mind • Keep up with the latest in the world of mindfulness.
ACTS OF kindness
Research News • Research gathered from Birmingham City University, University of South Florida, University of California, Los Angeles, and Yale University.
LOVE IN ACTION becoming an ally • Meditation teachers Iman Gibson and Tori Lund spoke with Mindful about AntiRacism Meditations (their album of guided meditations with accompanying journal prompts) how mindfulness can lead to allyship, and the lifelong friendship that led to this project.
beginner's MIND
A growing TREND
MINDFUL OR MINDLESS? • Our take on who’s paying attention and who’s not
EYES WIDE OPEN • The art of unhooking from your stories allows you to see what’s in front of you rather than seeing what you’re looking to see.
Savor What You See
3 WAYS TO GET YOUR Workout off Autopilot • Whether you’re ready to get off the couch or upgrade your exercise routine, these expert-recommended tips will engage your mind while keeping you in tune with your body’s capabilities.
Love Your ENEMY • Divided, we fall prey to seeing threats everywhere—especially in those we disagree with. But holding on to hate only hurts us.
Serenity Now
MAKE TIME Stand Still • The passage of time seems to speed up as we get older—but research finds this unnerving phenomenon may be allayed by learning to more attentively savor all the familiar details of our lives.
GOOD MOOD FOODS • The food you eat can have just as profound an effect on your brain and your mental health as the drugs prescribed by your doctor. The reason: Your gut and your brain are in constant communication with each other. Here’s what to eat to lift your mood.
YOU ARE NOT YOUR MOODS • How to create kind space to process emotions and moods.
NOTHING TO FEAR • What self-compassion and mindfulness reveal about things that go bump in the night.
You Don’t Have To Go It Alone • But figuring out how and when to work with a therapist can be scary too. Here’s what you need to know.
Care Deeply with a light touch • When we awaken our fearless heart in communion with others—valuing connection over control—joy emerges of its own accord. Barry Boyce writes that by caring without striving, we can find our way to true freedom.
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