Growing up in a small British town, Harry Styles had an innate charm from an early age. In less than three decades, he’s gone from schoolboy to Grammy winner, capturing the hearts of fans of all ages around the globe. In this comprehensive guide, we look at every aspect of his life, from music and movies to fashion and friends. Now get ready to dig into every aspect of the making of a megastar.
INSIDE HARRY’S WORLD • Growing up in a small British town, Harry Styles had an innate charm from an early age. In less than three decades, he’s gone from schoolboy to Grammy winner, capturing the hearts of fans of all ages around the globe. In this comprehensive guide, we look at every aspect of his life, from music and movies to fashion and friends. Now get ready to dig into every aspect of the making of a megastar.
A TRUE ICON • In a little over a decade, a mop-haired teen from a small town in England has transformed the entire industry, bringing a sense of innovative, forward thinking that’s constantly breaking barriers and setting new heights. Here, we follow the tremendous musical career of Harry Styles.
MUSICAL JOURNEY • From boy bander to solo pop star, Harry conquered the music world, one note at a time, to become one of the most beloved singers today.
THE COMPLETE DISCOGRAPHY ALL 35 HARRY SONGS • The ultimate guide to every single track that the Brit has ever released, from his 2017 self-titled album and 2019’s Fine Line to 2022’s Grammy-winning Harry’s House.
Musical Musings • The artist behind the songs! Some of Harry’s most note-able quotes.
ROLE PLAY • The way Harry Styles lights up stages with his flair for performance, it was only a matter of time before he ventured into the world of acting. And as with music, he’s been delighting audiences with surprising but meaningful choices that show his range, building a reputation as one of Hollywood’s most promising newcomers.
HOLLYWOOD’S NEWEST STAR • From bit parts to center stage, the singer built an enviable acting career in only a decade.
THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO EVERY ACTING CREDIT • From sitcoms and late-night comedy to big screen festival favorites, we document every professional acting job Harry has ever had…at least, so far!
COSTARS TALK BACK • Those who have worked with Harry—in everything from serious films to comedy sketches—all have one thing in common: They rave about the experience!
FASHION FORWARD • While Harry Styles’ career has been driven by his performances, his boundary-pushing clothing choices have also propelled him into becoming one of the most in vogue artists of the moment, setting his own rules and constantly surprising everyone with head-turning looks.
The STYLING Of STYLES • Fans know Harry for his eye-catching Gucci looks and gender-bending outfits, but his sense of style has grown right along with his career.
MOST ICONIC LOOKS • Harry has solidified himself as one of the best-dressed musicians of the 21st century—and these 10 outfits prove why.
PLEASING PRODUCTS • Harry’s Pleasing is called a “life” brand, encompassing beauty, makeup, skin care and apparel—all with a free-flowing creative spirit.
LIFE AS HARRY • So much of what makes Harry Styles so charming is the very heart of who he is as a human. We take a look at the people who have shaped him and what he’s truly like as a person—including those memorable moments that are just so very Harry.
HARRY’S LOVE HISTORY • From brief flings to full-blown romances, a complete timeline of Harry’s dating life.
ALL IN THE FAMILY • Harry’s...