Every day, legions of heroic men, women and service animals go out into the world to ensure our safety, health and well-being. To spotlight their amazing courage and compassion, we scoured hundreds of the true stories about heroes in uniform that have appeared in Woman’s World magazine and gathered 50 of the most inspiring tales—from simple acts of kindness to lifesaving feats. Join us in honoring these amazing souls!
Woman's World Specials - Heroes In Uniform
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A heartfelt thank you
Simple ways you can help out a hero! • Whether baking up treats or writing a note, expressing your gratitude for unsung heroes can be quick, easy and make a big difference! Here’s how:
“I’m here, thanks to this hero!” • When Cindy Zurchin was 17, she was in a horrific car accident. Police Sgt. Ralph Hoffman was first on the scene. Long after his retirement, he was still wondering if she was okay. Decades after the accident, he got his answer
3 simple ways to thank first responders!
“He swooped in and saved my life!” • When Sgt. Michael Dahl hit the gym for a workout, he was just looking to de-stress between shifts. But when another member suffered sudden cardiac arrest, Michael went from off-duty police officer to lifesaving angel
“He made sure I was truly safe!” • When 92-year-old Mary Summer couldn’t afford to replace her badly worn tires, a Texas State Trooper saved the day!
“Saving his life was a blessing!” • Police officers trust their partners with their lives, and that’s a bond that lasts forever. So when retired Maryland police officer Megan Ambrose learned her former partner Stanley Barsch needed a kidney to save his life, she didn’t hesitate to step up and give him one of hers!
“It was an amazing and neighborly thing to do!” • While on a routine call, two Utah police officers spotted an older couple struggling to unload and lay heavy sod in their front yard. So they responded by rolling up their sleeves and putting in the lawn for them
“His gift was above and beyond” • When police officer Kevin Zimmermann stopped Andrella Jackson for a registration issue and noticed her daughters weren’t in car seats, instead of giving her a ticket, he did something very special!
“Kindness can change lives!” • After Corporal Brandon Fleming put in some overtime playing with neighborhood kids, a grateful mom recorded it and posted it on Facebook, where his simple act touched thousands of hearts!
3 ways to enrich your community!
“He made a little girl very happy!” • When a Highway Patrol officer found a plush pup on the freeway, he went above and beyond to get it back to its ‘mommy’
“It’s my craziest and best call!” • Brooklyn Whitney’s baby wasn’t due until January, but little Dominic had other plans. Their family’s holiday miracle on the side of a New Hampshire road changed the meaning of Christmas for them—and for the brave police officer who came to their aid—forever
“It was a gift for the both of us!” • When retired police officer Terrell Potter needed a kidney transplant, he never imagined that a woman he had arrested in the past would step forward and save his life!
“Inspiring kids is my greatest joy!” • After a lifetime of service to his country, his family and his employees, 100-year-old WWII Marine Corps veteran Sam Baker began a new chapter as a children’s book author inspiring thousands of children to read!
He gives cars to people in need! • Terry Franz turned a car giveaway to promote his used car lot into a nonprofit that provides free cars to struggling heroes!
“It’s our way to say thank you!” • Learning of the dismal living conditions of...