In New York, Special Agent Lacey Sherlock foils a terrorist attack at JFK airport, but stopping the grenade-carrying crazy was only the beginning. Another plot unfolds nearly simultaneously with a bomb at St. Patrick’s Cathedral...
Meanwhile, Savich—with the help of Agent Griffin Hammersmith—has his hands full trying to track an elusive murderer who is able to control those under his thrall. When an attempt on Savich’s life collides with Sherlock’s terrorist case, they must race against the clock, as more lives are in danger with every passing minute.
*Library Journal
Kindle Book
- Release date: July 7, 2015
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9780698164895
- File size: 2238 KB
- Release date: July 7, 2015
EPUB ebook
- ISBN: 9780698164895
- File size: 2240 KB
- Release date: July 7, 2015
In New York, Special Agent Lacey Sherlock foils a terrorist attack at JFK airport, but stopping the grenade-carrying crazy was only the beginning. Another plot unfolds nearly simultaneously with a bomb at St. Patrick’s Cathedral...
Meanwhile, Savich—with the help of Agent Griffin Hammersmith—has his hands full trying to track an elusive murderer who is able to control those under his thrall. When an attempt on Savich’s life collides with Sherlock’s terrorist case, they must race against the clock, as more lives are in danger with every passing minute.
*Library Journal
Penguin Publishing Group
Awards:Kindle Book
Release date: July 7, 2015
OverDrive Read
ISBN: 9780698164895
File size: 2238 KB
Release date: July 7, 2015
EPUB ebook
ISBN: 9780698164895
File size: 2240 KB
Release date: July 7, 2015
- Catherine Coulter - Author
Kindle Book
OverDrive Read
EPUB ebook
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