Get to grips with everything you need to become a confident road cyclist and uncover some of the most scenic routes on two wheels
Complete Guide to Road Cycling
22 MAGICAL GAINS • Follow our simple guide and hey presto–you’ll be a better rider
GET FIT ON FIVE HOURS PER WEEK • Chris Sidwells decides to stop moaning about not having enough time to train and instead resolves to make better use of the sessions he does have, which total five hours per week
CORE STRENGTH FOR RIDING • Three moves to improve your comfort on long rides
‘I LOST 30% IN THREE MONTHS’ • After rekindling her love of cycling, Liz Matthews feels a heavy weight has lifted from her–physically and mentally…
10 HOT TIPS FOR SUMMER RIDES • Here in the UK we don’t get much hot weather, so when we do have a heatwave or go riding somewhere hot, it’s easy to get caught out. Here are 10 things to think about to make your summer riding more enjoyable…
BUDGET BIKING • Two very different bike commuters tell us how they’ve improved both fitness and fortune by cycling to work
From RAVING to RACING • Former drug addict Paul Neehuis talks to Cycling Active about getting his life back with the aid of a bicycle
FIX YOUR DIET DANGER ZONES • From that cheeky breakfast muffin to the quick pick-me-up biscuit, we make over 200 food choices a day. Laura Tilt gives us the skinny on dodging diet danger zones both on and off the bike
SWEEPING BENDS • Riding a bike well is mostly about cornering. Get that right and you can really enjoy the unique sensation of two wheels
TIME-SAVING STRETCHES • Just five minutes lengthening tight muscles can reap rewards
CROSS’D OFF THE LIST • Stephen Shrubsall steps into the wooded, off-road unknown to take on his first cyclo-cross race. The experience doesn’t turn out quite as he expected…
TAKE YOUR TRAINING INSIDE • Simon Schofield looks at the indoor options to keep your fitness levels up to speed when winter descends
SMART TURBO SESSIONS FOR DUMB TRAINERS • Without the bells and whistles of games and video it is even more important that when you get on the turbo you have a clear session plan to keep your focus. Here are three of the best. By which, of course, we mean toughest.
CLIMB FASTER TODAY! • Who doesn’t want to climb better? It must surely be one of the most ubiquitous goals in cycling. Here we take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions and their solutions
GET INTO GEAR • Understanding your bike and some basic bits of gear will help you to make the most of your new pastime. We check out the essentials…
HOW TO CLEAN A BIKE • James Bracey takes you through the finer points of cleaning your bike to a showroom finish
CHANGING AN INNER TUBE • Dealing with a puncture is a cycling rite of passage; follow James Bracey’s eight-step guide to become an expert
FRONT DERAILLEUR • A component on your bike that takes a beating whenever you ride, the front derailleur deserves a little TLC too
REAR DERAILLEUR • If fine-tuning your rear gear mech leaves you baffled, James Bracey has the answers to dispel the confusion
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR BIKE-FIT • Having the correct position on your bike is integral to maximising your performance, preventing injury and enjoying a comfortable ride. Here are a few tips on how to improve your bike-fit yourself
HANDLEBAR TAPE • Neatly wrapped handlebars are the icing on the cake of a sharp-looking bike. James Bracey shows you how it’s done
CHAIN MAINTENANCE • A fundamental in keeping a bike on the move that is often ignored, James Bracey provides the missing link in many a cyclist’s...